Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Call For Artists! Hispanic Contemporary Market in Santa Fe July 25th & 26th, 2009

Call to all hispanic New Mexican Artists...especially those in the southern part of New Mexico! The jurying process is coming up for this popular well attended show. Entries are being accepted on January 31st 2009 at El Museo Cultural de Santa Fe, exhibit hall C from 9 am to 12 noon. Take three of your best pieces and drop them off, pick them up between 3 pm and 5 pm. Notification of acceptance will be mailed on February 16, 2009.

This is a great show that brings in thousands and thousands of art buyers & collectors. It runs at the same time as the Spanish Colonial Market which helps bring us even more potential buyers. We really need southern New Mexico representation at this event. Last year there were only four artists from this area. It's well worth the time and money invested to vend at this market, not to mention the potential for important contacts. C'mon!


Carolyn said...

Great Pam, just make more competition for me, jajajajaa. Just playing. So Congratulations on making it as an authentic Contemporary Hispanic Artist!! Yeahhh Pammmmm!!! You deserve it!!

catboxartstudio said...

I wish I qualified for the Hispanic Contemporary Market!
I just loooooove your art (thanks to Carolyn for introducing me to it). Beautiful work!!!!

catboxartstudio said...

Thanks Pam for the comment on my blog and thanks too for your kind words about my art - that is ALWAYS appreciated! I have a tendancy to check out other Day of the Dead artists' too! The festival I did in Whittier was in October, in the Historic/Old Town section (Bright and Greenleaf Avenues) and, was put on by Casita Del Pueblo. This was their 3rd year. It turned out to be a pretty good event and I plan on doing it again next year too. And Olvera Street? How can you NOT love Olvera Street? I've loved that place forever and am thrilled to be selling in the Olvera Candle Shop! Anyway, thanks again for your comment! Again, LOVE your art!